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2016/11/17 15:00:57 立思辰留学 4008-941-360

The Deakin Law School is excited to announce its newest offering – Master of Legal Studies.

Deakin法学院很高兴地宣布推出其最新的课程 - 法学硕士学位。

立思辰留学360介绍,这个为期两年的硕士学位课程提供五个学习领域,旨在为学生提供全球化高需求的专业法律技能,包括:法律和人力资源,法律和人道主义援助,法律和公共卫生,法律和国际关系,以及 法律和研究。

通过民商法律诊所的实践,学生将从课堂学习和实际工作经验的结合中获益。 本课程对法律或非法律背景的毕业生都适用。

This two-year postgraduate degree offers five areas of study designed to equip students with specialised legal skills that are in high demand globally, including: Law and Human Resources, Law and Humanitarian Assistance, Law and Public Health, Law and International Relations and The Law and Research.

Students will benefit from a combination of in-class learning and practical work experience through the Civil and Commercial Law Clinic. This course is suitable for graduates from either a law or non-law background.


Combining Law and Human Resources will allow students to attain skills to review, critically analyse and problem solve human resource related matters. This is in order to respond to the specialised, authentic and legal contexts encountered by human resource professionals. Students will study topics including Workplace Law and Policy, Corporate Governance, Employment Relations, Ethics, and Strategy. (This specialisation is offered online only.)


法律和人力资源相结合将教授学生审查技能,批判性分析和解决与人力资源相关的问题。 这是为了应对人力资源专业人员遇到专业,真实,法律背景的相关事务。 学生将学习包括工作场所法律和政策,公司治理,雇佣关系,伦理和战略等课题。



法律和人道主义援助提供学生在社区能力建设,咨询公司,社区发展和项目管理等领域工作所需的技能。 学习内容涵盖人权法律和政策,减少灾害风险和管理,人道主义部门的动态与困境以及宪法和政策。



The Law and Humanitarian Assistance offering provides students the skills needed to work in areas such as community capacity building, consulting enterprises, community development and project management. Students will cover Human Rights Law and Policy, Disaster Risk Reduction and Management, Dynamics and Dilemmas of the Humanitarian Sector and Constitutional Law and Policy.

(Please note, this course is currently online only, however as of T1 2017 this course will be offered at our Melbourne Burwood campus. )



Deakin’s Law and International Relations specialisation focuses on policy analysis, the threats to peace and security, and the global forces shaping political, social and economic life. Understanding international relations in the Asia-pacific region and across the world will be covered in depth. Topics will cover Alternative Dispute Resolution, The United Nations and International Organisation, International Conflict Analysis and Human Rights in World Politics.

(This is offered on campus and online.)

Deakin的法律和国际关系专业化地专注于政策分析,和平与安全的威胁,以及全球力量塑成政治形态,社会和经济生活。 深入了解亚太地区乃至世界各国的国际关系。 将涉及替代性争端解决,联合国和国际组织,国际冲突分析和世界政治中的人权等课题的学习。



我们的法律和公共卫生学位侧重于通过确定公共卫生优先事项,制定政策和行动倡议,制定确保卫生系统公平的战略,改善现有的健康促进环境。 学生将学习健康法,健康推广,公共卫生的原则和实践以及比较健康系统。

( 校园和在线均提供授课。)

Our Law and Public Health degree focuses on improving existing health-promoting environments through identifying public health priorities, generating initiatives for policy and action, and developing strategies to ensure equity in the health system. Students will learn about Health Law, Health Promotion, Principles and Practice of Public Health, and Comparative Health Systems.

(This is also offered on campus and online.)



The Law and Research offering provides students developed research and analytical skills. By choosing one of the specialisation topics within the Master of Legal Studies students will produce a 20,000 word thesis, plus complete course work units within each specialisation, as well as Constitutional Law and Policy.

This is a pathway option into a Deakin PhD, ideal for those seeking a career in research.


法律与研究教授学生领先的研究和分析技能。 通过在法学硕士课程中选择一个专业课题,学生将完成20,000字论文,并在每个专业领域,包括宪法法律和政策中完成各课程单元。



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