立思辰留学360荷兰咨询专家傅老师介绍:据荷兰Elsevier(荷兰学生满意度调查机构)于9月29日最新发布的2016荷兰应用科学类大学排名中, Avans University of Applied Sciences拔得头筹,获得了学生满意度排名,为59.5%。其次为Hogeschool Leiden(莱顿应用科学大学),第三名为 Windescheim 应用科学大学。
Elsevier 排名在荷兰高等教育界享有极高的认可度,其排名是根据学生的满意度为基础,综合其他教学要素而进行的民调性质的排名。
1. Avans University of Applied Sciences
2. Leiden University of Applied Sciences
3. Windescheim University of Applied Sciences
4 Hanze University of Applied Sciences
5. Arnhem and Nijmegen University of AppliedSciences
6. Saxion University of Applied Sciences
7. Steden University of Applied Sciences
8. Zuyd University of Applied Sciences
9. Fantys University of Applied Sciences
10.Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences
11. TheHague University of Applied Sciences
12.Utrecht University of Applied Sciences
13.Rotterdam University of Applied Sciences
14. NHLUniversity of Applied Sciences
15. HZUniversity of Applied Sciences
16.Inholland University of Applied Sciences
1.The Amsterdam School of the Arts
2. EZInstitute of Arts
3.Utrecht School of the Arts
4.Codarts University of Applied Sciences for Arts