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2022-08-08 16:23 李博-英港留学顾问

英国考文垂大学是一所充满活力的全球性高等学府。它不仅有可以追溯至1843年的悠久历史,亦是一所与时俱进的现代化大学。一直以来,考文垂大学凭借其创新式教学模式及雄厚的学术研究实力,获得了广泛的影响力,赢得了全球性的声誉。考文垂大学拥有最先进和齐全的教学设备设施,包括健康、设计和工程实验室、表演艺术工作室和计算中心等等。同时,考文垂大学被选中作为三个国家级教学和学习卓越中心的承办院校,投入了大量资金用于健康、设计和数学领域的研究。考文垂大学是考文垂市的重要成员,在为城市带去活力的同时,也与当地企业保持着重要的商业合作关系。除了在考文垂市的主校区,为着力于更加便捷的全球性商业环境,考文垂大学在伦敦市中心地带也设立了校区 (CULC)。考文垂大学伦敦校区旨在通过与国际商业环境的紧密接轨与实践,培养学生的综合能力及就业竞争力。作为英国屈指可数的秉承灵活入学理念的高等院校。


“Undergraduate - Coventry University (Coventry)”

Finance MBus (Top up 4 semesters)

Accounting and Finance BSc (Hons)

Adult Nursing BSc (Hons)

Adult Nursing BSc (Hons) Blended Learning

Automotive and Transport Design BA (Hons)

Automotive Engineering MEng/BEng (Hons)

Biomedical Science / Applied Biomedical Science BSc (Hons)

Business Administration BBA (Hons)

Business and Marketing BA (Hons)

Business Management BA (Hons)

Computer Science MSci / BSc (Hons)

Computer Science with Artificial Intelligence MSci/BSc (Hons)

Computing BSc (Hons)

Digital Media BA (Hons)

Food Safety, Inspection and Control BSc (Hons)

Food Science BSc (Hons)

Graphic Design BA (Hons)

Human Biosciences BSc (Hons)

Law LLB (Hons)

Mechanical Engineering MEng/BEng (Hons)

Media and Communications BA (Hons)

Motorsport Engineering MEng/BEng (Hons)

Nutrition and Health BSc (Hons)

Pharmacology BSc (Hons)

Politics and International Relations BA (Hons)

Politics BA (Hons)

Psychology BSc (Hons)

“Undergraduate - Coventry University London (City of London)”

Accounting and Finance for International Business top up BA (Hons)

Global Business top up BA (Hons)

International Fashion PR and Communication top up BA (Hons)

International Hospitality, Tourism and Wellness Management Top Up BA (Hons)

Marketing Management BA (Hons) top-up

Financial Economics and Banking BSc (Hons)

Global Business Management BA (Hons)

Global Events Management BSc (Hons)

International Fashion Management and Marketing BA (Hons)

International Finance and Accounting BA (Hons)

International Hospitality and Tourism Management BA (Hons)

“Undergraduate - Coventry University (Vauxhall London)”

Adult Nursing BSc (Hons) Blended Learning

“Undergraduate - CU London (Dagenham London)”

Applied Biosciences BSc (Hons)

Applied Psychology BSc (Hons)

Business Management & Leadership BA (Hons)

Cloud Computing BSc (Hons)

Computing Science BSc (Hons)

Cyber Security BSc (Hons)

Electro-Mechanical Engineering BEng (Hons)

Health & Social Care BA (Hons)

Law & Practice LLB (Hons)

Marketing and Public Relations BA (Hons)

Primary Education & Teaching Studies BA (Hons)

Professional Accounting BA (Hons)

Professional Policing BA (Hons)

Public Health & Community Studies BA (Hons)

“Undergraduate - CU Coventry (Coventry)”

Applied Biosciences BSc (Hons)

Business Management and Leadership BA (Hons)

Cloud Computing BSc (Hons)

Electro-Mechanical Engineering BEng (Hons)

Financial Services BA (Hons)

Health and Wellbeing Practice BA (Hons)

Law and Practice BA (Hons)

Marketing and Public Relations BA (Hons)

Professional Accounting BA (Hons)

Professional Policing HNC/HND/BA (Hons)

Public Health and Community Studies BA (Hons)

“Undergraduate - CU London (Greenwich London)”

Business Management and Leadership BA (Hons)

Energy Management BSc (Hons)

Health & Social Care BA (Hons)

Law & Practice HNC/HND/LLB (Hons)

Law and Practice HNC/HND/LLB (Hons)

“Undergraduate - CU Scarborough (Scarborough)”

Adult Nursing BSc (Hons)

Adult Nursing BSc (Hons) Blended Learning

Business Management & Leadership BA (Hons)

Cyber Security BSc (Hons)

Electro-Mechanical Engineering BEng (Hons)

Health & Social Care BA (Hons)

Primary Education & Teaching Studies BA (Hons)

Professional Policing BA (Hons)

Public Health & Community Studies BA (Hons)

Sport & Leisure Management BA (Hons)

Sport Performance & Coaching BSc (Hons)

“Undergraduate - Coventry University Wroclaw (Poland)”

Applied Psychology BSc (Hons)

Aviation Management BSc (Hons)

Business Management and Leadership BA (Hons)

Cloud Computing BSc (Hons)

Computing Science BSc (Hons)

Cyber Security BSc (Hons)

“Postgraduate - Coventry University (Coventry)”

Adult Nursing (pre-registration) Blended Learning MSc

Advanced Mechanical Engineering MSc

Air Transport Management MSc

Applied Innovation Leadership MA

Architecture MArch

Automotive and Transport Design MA

Business Analytics MSc

Business and Organisational Psychology MSc

Children and Young People‘s Nursing (Pre-registration) MSc

Civil Engineering Project Management MSc

Civil Engineering/Civil Engineering (Technical Route) MSc

Communication, Culture and Media MA

Connected Autonomous Vehicle Systems MSc

Construction Management with BIM MSc

Crowded Places and Public Safety Management MSc/PGCert

Cyber Security MSc

Data Science and Computational Intelligence MSc

Data Science MSc

Design Management MA

Dietetics and Leadership MSc

Digital Marketing Management MSc

Diplomacy, Law and Global Change MA

Disaster Management and Resilience MSc

Electrical and Electronic Engineering MSc

Emergency Management and Resilience MSc

Engineering Management MSc

English and Education Management MA

English Language Teaching and Applied Linguistics MA

English Literature MA

Film and Media Production MA

Finance MBus

Global Health Care Management MSc

Graphic Design MA

History MA

Illustration and Animation MA

Interior Design MA

International Commercial Law LLM

International Entrepreneurship MSc

International Human Resource Management MSc

International Marketing Management MSc

International Relations MA


Learning Disabilities Nursing (pre-registration) MSc

Master of Business Administration (MBA)

Media Management MA

Mental Health Nursing MSc (Pre-registration)

Nursing MSc

Occupational Therapy (pre-registration) MSc

Oil and Gas Engineering MSc

Oil and Gas Management MSc

Painting MA

Photography MA

Physiotherapy and Leadership (pre-registration) MSc

Politics MA

Product Design Innovation MA

Production Engineering and Operations Management MSc

Project Management MSc

Public Health Nutrition MSc

Renewable Energy Engineering MSc

Sociology and Social Research MA

Sport Management MSc

Structural Engineering MSc

Supply Chain Management and Logistics MSc

Sustainability and Environmental Management MSc

Terrorism, International Crime and Global Security MA

Virtual and Augmented Reality MA

“Postgraduate - Coventry University (Vauxhall London)”

Adult Nursing (pre-registration) Blended Learning MSc

“Postgraduate - Coventry University London (City of London)”

Economics, Banking and Finance MSc

Enterprise and Innovation MSc

Finance MBA

Financial Technology (FinTech) MSc

Global Business MBA

Global Financial Trading MSc

Global Healthcare Management and Leadership MBA

International Fashion Management MBA

International Fashion Marketing MSc

International Hospitality and Tourism Management MSc

International Marketing MBA

International Project Management MSc

Management MSc

Professional Accounting MSc

“Postgraduate - CU Scarborough (Scarborough)”

Adult Nursing (pre-registration) Blended Learning MSc

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