The programme changes now approved, we have made a few changes to the AUT website in the last few days to reflect
those changes to programme offerings:
Art and design
2 x new postgrad certificates (can be a pathway into existing MDes or MVA)
●Postgraduate Certificate in Design
●Postgraduate Certificate in Visual Arts
艺术设计多了两个Gc方向衔接硕士MDes or MVA
2Xnew postgrad supply chain management programmes
Postgraduate Diploma in Supply Chain Management
Master of Supply Chain Management
Streamlining postgrad qualifications - educational leadership and higher education now available as specialisations under the PgCert, PgDip and MEd
Postgraduate Certificate in Education
Education Practice
Educational Leadership
Higher Education
Postgraduate Diploma in Education
Education Practice
Educational Leadership
Higher Education
Master of Education
Education Practice
Educational Leadership
Higher Education
Engineering, computer & mathematical sciences
Removal of Analytics and Computer Science majors from Bachelor of Science and Bachelor of Mathematical Sciences
Health sciences
Emergency management programmes renamed to disaster risk management and development
Postgraduate Certificate in Disaster Risk Management and Development
Postgraduate Diploma in Disaster Risk Management and Development
Master of Disaster Risk Management and Development
BHSc Health Administration renamed to Health Management
Bachelor of Health Science in Health Management
Hospitality, Tourism and events
Changes to Bachelor of International Hospitality Management - old 6 x majors removed, 2 x new majors introduced
Bachelor of International Hospitality Management
Hospitality Enterprise
Hospitality Management
New minors in Cruise Ship Management (from 2022) and Restaurant Management