利兹大学是英国规模第二大的高等学府,英国顶尖的十所研究型大学之一 ,拥有来自150多个国家的约3.3万名学生,在校生人数排名英国前5位,校友超过25万,遍布180多个国家。利兹大学资金实力十分雄厚,排名稳居英国前十位,其中企业赞助在英国所有高校中排名第1位。在最近的科研评估中,利兹大学的35个系获得国内或国际“优秀”级别,800多名研究人员参加了具有国际重要意义的高水平研究项目,而且都获得5或5*级评分。快跟着云学教育集团小编一起去看看利兹大学大学分轮申请截止时间吧!
School of Mathematics
Data Science and Analytics MSc
Statistics MSc
Statistics with Applications to Finance MSc
School of Electronic and Electrical Engineering
Communications and Signal Processing MSc (Eng)
Electrical Engineering and Renewable Energy Systems MSc (Eng)
Electronic and Electrical Engineering MSc (Eng)
Embedded Systems Engineering MSc (Eng)
Engineering Technology and Business Management MSc (Eng)
Mechatronics and Robotics MSc (Eng)
School of Computing
Advanced Computer Science MSc
Advanced Computer Science (Cloud Computing) MSc
Advanced Computer Science (Data Analytics) MSc
Advanced Computer Science (Artificial Intelligence) MSc
School of Media and Communication
MA Communication and Media
MA Film, Photography and Media
MA International Communication
MA International Journalism
MA Media Industries
MA New Media
MA Political Communication
MA Promotional Media
School of Design
MA Advertising and Design
MA Design
MA Digital Design Futures
MA Fashion, Enterprise and Society
MA Global Fashion Management
MSc Textile Sustainability and Innovation
School of Earth and Environment
Ecological Economics MSc
Environment and Development MSc
Sustainability and Business MSc
Sustainability and Consultancy MSc
Sustainable Cities MSc
School of Civil Engineering
Engineering Project Management MSc (Eng)
International Construction Management and Engineering MSc (Eng)