北安普顿大学(TheUniversityofNorthampton)是英国一所中等规模、教学与科研并重的国立综合性大学。学校致力于在本科生的学习期间为学生提供一个支持友爱的学习环境,并开设了单科荣誉学位课程和专科荣誉学位课程,这些课程的主要着重点为传统的学科领域或特殊的职业路径。学生在学习完两年的本科生课程之后可以获得英国国家高等文凭 -- HND(High National Diploma),这些文凭和证书职业侧重鲜明。一般来说,这些课程都是“专升本”课程,学生再学习一年可获得荣誉学位。其它一些为雇主所看重的技能,如讲演、人际关系和团队合作,也被安排在本科生的课程中,相当于国内二类本科大学。
Global Business Management (Top-Up) BA (Hons)
Commerce and International Business (Top-Up) BA (Hons)
Midwifery BSc (Hons)
Accounting and Finance MSc
Accounting and Finance MSc (with Work Placement) - 2 Years
Business Analytics MSc
Project Management MSc
Project Management MSc (with Work Placement) - 2 Years
International Business Management MSc
International Marketing Strategy MSc
International Marketing Strategy MSc (with Work Placement) - 2 Years
Human Resource Management MA
Master of Business Administration MBA
Master of Business Administration (with Work Placement) MBA
Education MA
Special Educational Needs and Inclusion MA
Special Educational Needs and Inclusion (Autism Pathway) MA
Public Health MSc
Computing MSc
Computing (Computer Networks Engineering) MSc
Computing (Internet Technology and Security) MSc
Computing (Software Engineering) MSc
Advanced Design and Manufacturing MSc
Leather Technology (Professional) MSc
Psychology MSc
Social Work MA
Physiotherapy (pre-registration) MSc
Advanced Design and Manufacturing MSc