保同学 50个月前 提问
- 新西兰高等教育学院开设哪些课程?
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王丽滨老师 50个月前回复
- 新西兰高等教育学院是一所提供专业的早期儿童教育课程的高等教育私立机构。在就业和移民中都有得天独厚的优势。学院的办学宗旨是通过一个全面和专业的课程,使人们能够胜任早期儿童教育工作以回应儿童和社会的需求。
教育本科-幼教专业Bachelor of Education in Early Childhood Education
教学本科-幼教专业Bachelor of Teaching in Early Childhood Education
教学学士后文凭-幼教专业Graduate Diploma in Teaching in Early Childhood Education
教育学硕士-幼教专业Master of Education in Early Childhood Education
幼教大专:教育方向Certificate in Early Childhood Education: Education Stream (Level 5)
幼教大专:教学方向Certificate in Early Childhood Education: Teaching Stream (Level 5)
教育学研究生文凭-幼教专业Postgraduate Diploma of Education in Early Childhood Education
早期儿童教学大专:教学方向Certificate in Early Childhood Teaching: Teaching Stream (Level 6)
早期儿童教学大专:教育方向Certificate in Early Childhood Teaching: Education Stream (Level 6)